Cold and Sore

Yi and Yang
1 min readJun 16, 2022


(Circa 26FEB2020)

Why do we keep bemoaning our ‘evil’ generation? Do we think that just because it’s 2008 or 2020 or whenever that Satan has glanced up at the calendar and said: ‘oh boy, 2020 already, I’d better kick things up a notch!’ Or has evil always besmirched the face of the earth? Us complaining about our culture like the Israelites is just a way of taking the blame of sin from us and moving it elsewhere, like Adam did to Eve.

One side is bad because they do ‘x’. The other is bad because of their response. No one is better as a whole, only individuals that don’t fit neatly into the mold. It’s as if we are all stumbling around in the darkness, clawing at each other and at everything around us in some weak attempt to wrest control from the world itself.

The sun is several million miles away, but at times it feels even farther.

In the darkness we find ourselves in a feeble struggle, and away from each other we wander.

On a starless night in this hellish land, there is no hope left with which to fuel wonder.



Yi and Yang

This is a brief, witty, and rhyming Bio. Would that equally small be the money I owe.